February 6 | 2023
This meeting was held at the Goshen Town Hall
Meeting opened at 7:10pm by Madine (2nd by Erin)
Review prior minutes: Galina requested some edits to the prior minutes Action items. Grants
section of the minutes mentioned Madine reaching out to Jeff to connect Galina. This should
have been noted in the action items for Madine. Galina noted that in the prior meeting there was
discussion of Marci taking care of the town report as secretary. (This was completed, but not
noted in the action items.) In the prior meeting we discussed the ad that was small and run in the
paper for free. (Confirmed by Madine). While we discussed during the meeting, it was not noted
in the minutes.
Request edit and republish of the prior minutes.
Old Business-
- Website/FB Page- Erin confirmed pages are up and additional content needed for the sites.
Would like to replace the link on the current town page with a link to the new website (Madine to
check with Marci). Madine provided info on the 50/50 DugWay Melt and provided entry slips.
Erin will have info added to the Events on the FB and Website page along with PDF of the entry
slips. Entrants can return their $1 and corresponding slips to any GVTHS officer, the Town
Office (Madine to confirm) or the Town Pot Luck/Meeting on Mar 6 or Voting Mar 7 to enter.
You can enter as many times as you want. Madine is also going to see if we can put slips/sign at
Junction Deli, but they will not collect money.
Need reimbursement for purchase of site ($12) and 1 year of hosting ($72).
- EIN- Marci secured and Barb already setup new bank account.
- ARPA Funds- Marci provided email update that we are waiting on final #s. More to come.
- Roof Update- Town has bids out and Selectboard is managing the project
- Piano Concert- Ken has had an initial email exchange with the gentleman performing the
concerts for the project. He inquired about the availability of a piano (can bring an electric one if
we don't have a piano). He also inquired about a space for the performance. Ken will let him
know we have a Town Hall and share pictures of the space. He will also let him know about our
piano, but recommend he bring the electric. We need to see when he would be available and are
thinking late Spring-Early Fall would be nice.Erin suggested tying in a membership drive as part
of the event.
- Lift Update- The company used by Brandon is no longer in business so they would not be an
option. Ken brought a flyer with another option, but we would need more exploration and bids
for the work. May need to be handled by the Selectboard as we do not own the building.
- Grants- Galina followed up with Madine regarding connecting with Jeff. Madine will call him
this week. Deadline of early April for submission for the Bernie Sanders funding.
-Calendars- Madine mentioned in the last meeting collecting pictures of the town, its people, etc.
for a calendar. She met with the lady at Walgreen's who will work with her to have them created.
We will collect pictures from folks between now and Aug 1 with a goal to have them available
for purchase before Oct 1. We are planning a 15 month calendar, but will need to confirm
pricing. The calendar can hold up to 76 pictures. We are looking to sell them for about $20 each
and Madine will work with Walgreen's to get as much of a discount per calendar as we can.
Pictures can be submitted by email. Erin will get email up for GVTHS and put info on FB and
Membership Update-
Barb received Galina's form and payment. (1st official member!) Paperwork passed to Erin who
will enter info into the Membership Directory and create a membership card/welcome packet. :)
New membership form available and shared with the group. Will be added to the website. Will
be able to fill in info on the site, but form should be printed and mailed with payment. Details
will be available on the site for users.
Erin requested an updated Articles based on Dec vote and changes as the current website version
still contains old details. Info can be updated once available in a new PDF.
Events Update-
- Ad from Civil War event- Galina received a call from Thomasina that the town had received a
bill for the ad placed in December for the event. Madine reiterated that there was not supposed to
be any charge and it should not have gone to the town.
- We will also be adding details to FB and Website to start announcing the WW2 Event on April
22. Need to confirm timing for the event. Madine is coordinating with the Legion and Marci is
working with the Brandon folks and Otter Valley to coordinate participation and music
respectively.Working session on Thurs, 2/16 at 6:00 pm.
Meeting adjourn- 8:20 PM Madine (Erin 2nd)
Recorded by Erin
Submitted by Marci