June 5th | 2023
Goshen Vt Historical Society
June 5, 2023 | 7pm
Meeting Minutes
Members Present: Madine Reed, Erin Van Auken, Kathy Mathis, Barb Brown, Ken
Brown, and Marci Hayes
Call Meeting to Order at 7:10pm
Called to order by Madine, 2nd by Erin.
Minutes from previous meeting.
Marci was absent for the May meeting. Madine acknowledged that she took the
New Business
Table and Lights
Madine brought up that when Thomasina cleaned out the Town Hall she
removed the table which was used in the one room schoolhouse and the historic
original lights are missing. She addressed this to the Chair of the Board, Bill
Mathis who informed Madine that the table is in the Town Garage and that he
will look into where the lights are. Madine was informed that the board is
cleaning and changing the work and public spaces and that the table is of little
value but that of sentiment. Erin stated that sentimental value is what the
historical society preserves. Things have value beyond monetary and thus are
important and worth preserving. Marci stated that she thought a formal request
from the Historical Society could be made to the Selectboard that they take the
table out of the Town Garage, where it is likely to be ruined and put the table
back in the Town Hall. Marci feels this would be a good gesture on the
Selectboards behalf as a way to work with others and compromise. Madine
stated the table was requested to be built by the last teacher, (Mrs. Whyman) that
taught in the one room schoolhouse in Goshen (current Town Ofce). The
teacher asked a local person whom lived in Goshen (Harry Moore) to build it for
her. The town has very little of the original items. The disregard of the table and
missing lights is a concern. The members present agree to send a formal request
to have the table put back in the Town Hall.
July meeting date
The next meeting is scheduled for July 3. Madine inquired if this should
be postponed due to the 4th of July. It is agreed that the meeting will happen the
5th of July at 7pm.
Reformat Articles
The Articles still need to reflect the changes from April. Agreed that they
will be on the Historical Societies website as the society no longer will be using
the Municipal website.
Erin added that she has been working on a welcome letter for new members and
will have something put on the website and on FB.
Old Business
Mitchells is able to do the T-shirts. Thought is to have various sizes and
have a small logo on the front and a larger one on the back. Erin will email Kathy
a picture of the logo. Kathy will speak to Dennis Marden about doing a sketch
that can be used as the logo.
Kathy reported that there is a $50 annual membership fee to join the
Vermont Historical Society. Kathy printed out the instructions and information
regarding doing this for Barb to do. Membership information needs to be done
online. Kathy motions to join Vt Historical Society at $50 for the year, Erin 2nd.
Barb will register with the society.
Kathy stated that she prefers to not proceed with the grants unless there
is a guarantee from the Selectboard that there is money available prior to
applying. With a guarantee from the board there are three grants that she will
apply for; Walter Cerf grant, facilities grant (a 50/50 matching), and a special in
needs grant. Painting will be done last.
Madine had copies of records regarding the Town Hall for Kathy to use for
the grant information. The Town Hall was built in 1840’s.
Erin reported that there are 12 members. Jeff and Joanne Cathcart and
Laura and Kent Reed are some new members.
It is thought to have a membership drive to gain more awareness and
members to the society. One idea being to have a literal drive. This would be a
membership drive/auto tour of Goshen. There would be a map of the drive.
Places of interest would be where the older houses and families lived, old
cemeteries, and points of interest such as where stone foundations and locations
of where mills used to be. Kathy suggested having this in the fall.
WWII Event
The event raised $183.00 with an additional donation of $17.00 this totaled
to $200.00 Half of this is to go to Josh’s House in support of veterans. Kathy
motioned to have a check for $100.00 be made out to Josh’s House and given to
post 55 as part of their fundraising project also being for Josh’s House, Marci 2nd.
Future Event Ideas
1. Membership Drive / Auto Tour (September?)
2. Piano Concert, on hold until lift installed. Ken stated that the piano guy is doing
this project for several more years.
3. Ice-Cream Social with possible bake sale/recipe swap
4. The Things They Did. An event showcasing all the unique jobs that people in the
past performed. Marci stated she was inspired for an event like this after Madine
shared about a woman who worked at the Bristol Casket Factory. Marci
suggested that this be done in conjunction with the Brandon Historical Society
and held at the Brandon Town Hall. This could be a winter event in December.
Picture Calendar
Madine would like to push for more photos. The society would like to
have all submitted photos by August. Madine reported that Jerry Fielder may
have a picture he would like to share. They can be landscape, current photos, or
old photos of things in the past. The calendar costs between $11-$13 estimated.
There can be 76 pictures and for 16 months.
Points of Interest
Where Al Gionet lives used to be an old mill. Paint Works Road off of McConnell Rd is
where they used to have a slurry. Madine shared that Solon Brown sold the house on
South Hill, now belonging to Hope Wurmeld. He moved to Carver st. He is reported to
have died of a heart attack after an accident in which he was covered with oil. He was
found soaked in oil, received medical attention but succumbed to death. It appeared
that he was burned but there was no evidence of flames.
Adjourn at 8:48pm
Kathy Mathis motions to adjourn at 8:48pm, Erin 2nd.