October 7th, 2024

This meeting was held at the Goshen Town Hall

Meeting opened at 7:10 pm

Attendees: Madine Reed, Ken & Barb Brown, Erin Van Auken and Ben Pease

  • Minutes from prior meeting were accepted with correction to spelling of Ben Pease's last name.

Treasurer Report (Barb Brown)

  • Current Balance as of this meeting- $1,460.78

  • Barb advised that last month should have been $3.00 less due to service fee. This month's balance takes fees into account.

Membership Update-

  • Erin reminded everyone that annual renewal of membership is due as of this annual meeting.

  • Barb is working on gathering renewal updates to share with Madine and Erin.

  • Erin will log renewals once details are received.

  • Ben Pease will be new membership director.

  • Erin will move to position of Secretary.

Upcoming Event-WWI Remembrance Event- Cancelled

  • Due to limitation of displays, we have decided to cancel the event planned for November and will plan on an event in May.

Future Events-

  • We discussed having a small gathering/event in Jan or Feb after the holidays

Old Business-


  • We have 1 medium and 8 large left

    Goshen signs-

  • The signs will be ready and delivered around 10/13. Brackets for post mount will be on the sign for the schoolhouse with mountings for the building for the Town Hall sign.

  • Madine had life size samples printed for the select board review

  • Barbara will send the final payment of $350 to the sign company.

    Officer elections-

  • 3 positions are open for this year:

  • President (Term 2-years)- Attendees elected to retain Madine Reed for her 2nd 2-year term

  • Vice President (Term 2-years)- Attendees elected to retain Galina Chernaya for her 2nd 2-year term

  • Secretary (Term 1-year)- Erin Van Auken elected to the position

  • Membership Director (3-year position) – Ben Pease will take over as Membership Director

    • Treasurer position (3-year position) Barbara Brown will retain her position for 1 more year.

      Blueberry Hill sign-

  • Ben shared revisions to the Blueberry Hill sign based on feedback from Sherri. Additional adjustments to the language are needed and he will continue to revise prior to review by the state.


New Business-

  • May Event- We agreed that canceling the November event and moving it to May to allow everyone to gather additional information for displays was a good idea. We will also expand the event to encompass prior WWII displays and Civil War displays.

Motion to adjourn the meeting at 8:05 pm by Erin V. with 2nd by Madine