September 6 | 2023

Meeting brought to order at 7:05 by Madine (Erin 2nd)


Motion to accept prior meeting minutes by Kathy (2nd by Barb) with one correction. Ken was not at the Ripton meeting noted in the minutes.


Guest Speaker- Eileen Corcaran from the VT Historical Society


  • VTHS supports over 190 historical societies across VT

  • They can provide networking and support opportunites

  • Most historical societies across the state are volunteer driven

  • Eileen let us know she can add any of our events to their calendar and they can help us try to build connections.

  • There is a member directory available (Madine will be listed as primary contact for us.)


Membership update-


  • 2 new members- Polly and Mike Goodspeed

  • Erin will send out membership due reminders to all members (minus the Goodspeeds who just joined)

  • Membership renews annually by the October meeting and covers the membership period of Nov 1-Oct 31 annually.

  • Erin will be working on a membership list with contact information

  • Kathy will be reaching out to the Brandon Reporter (Steven Jupiter) to see about them doing a small piece on our society to drive interest. Will set-up an interview with Madine

Treasurer report-


  • Barb advised that we have $257 as of this meeting (incl. the new members)


Grant update-


  • Kathy will be submitting a request to the William Pomery Foundation. They fund markers for historic locations around the state. The application will be for a sign to put on the Town Hall.

  • She will also be working on a grant from Buildings & Grants

  • Working Session- 9/14 @ 6:30 to work on sign verbiage (and Oct/Nov event,calendar layout)

  • Kathy is also looking at the Regional Economic Development Grant to help with building improvements.


T-Shirt update-


  • Logo completed by Dennis (looks great!) provided to Winning Image for the shirts

  • Waiting on the proof to be completed

  • Kathy will be sending out a tri-fold about the shirts and sponsorship opportunities to help fund the shirts which will be sold to raise money for town historical signage.


Upcoming Events-

  • Tentative date for the next event is 11/14 from 2-4pm

    • This will be an Open House for people to come and learn more about what we do, drive interest for new members, etc.

    • Refreshements will be served (ie: Cider, donuts, etc.)

    • Eileen said she may have info/swag to share with us for the event.




  • Reviewed some of the photos we have received to date with the group.

  • Madine will follow-up with some additional folks for pictures

  • Kathy has some photos to share


Nomination Committee-


  • Decided that we will retain current officers for 1 more year


Adjourned at 8:15 (motion by Galina and 2nd by Barb)