January 6th, 2024
This meeting was held at the Goshen Town Hall
Meeting opened at 7:06 pm
Attendees: Madine Reed, Ken & Barb Brown, Erin Van Auken and Ben Pease
Attendees acknowledged receipt of prior month's minutes and agenda for 1/6/25 meeting with no changes
Old Business:
Goshen Town Signs-
Galena is holding signs until they can be installed
Final payment sent to Ye Olde Signs for the $45 balance by Barb Brown
Madine has emailed and called the zoning commission with no response. Ken Brown will follow-up to determine if we need to complete the form or can just obtain permission for the signs.
Blueberry Hill Sign-
Ben provided updated verbiage to the GVTHS members prior to this meeting for review.
Ken Brown offered an edit to the verbiage related to the property usage as a farm into the early 20th century. Ben will make the revision and provide the updated copy to Shari for review.
Ben will review the application again to determine next steps for town review/permission prior to state submission.
Madine suggested a Goshen Town Celebration on Feb 2 at 2:00 PM. This will be the 233rd birthday of the town as it was originally chartered on Feb 2, 1792. (Mar 29, 1814) was the first town meeting.
Next steps: Madine will check with the Selectboard on the date for the event and use of the town hall. If all approved, we will post an update on the website, Facebook page about the event. Everyone will be encouraged to bring an appetizer or treat to share. Historical photos and displays will be setup as part of the event.
We will plan to cancel our February meeting if we hold the event on 2/2.
Membership -
Erin is pending a list from Barb Brown of the names of people who have renewed their membership for 2025 or are newly joined.
Erin will log renewals once details are received and transition the membership tracker/membership log to Ben.
Ben suggested hosting a membership drive or event and plans to reach out to some of the younger residents in Goshen about possibly joining. He will look at putting something out on Front Porch Forum.
New Business:
Ben offered to create a hand bound book containing history from Goshen.
Ideas for the book-
Photos- Ken and Madine have some historical photos and have contacts that may have more.
Early families- Madine has history she has been working on about the early Goshen families.
Camp Thorpe- A section on Camp Thorpe and it's history
Town Report/ History- Madine has historical articles she has written over the years and submitted as part of the Town report that would be interesting to add.
Historical place mats- Madine shared the idea of creating historical place mats. Ripton did something like this with their photos and history. Madine will work on getting the place mats from Ripton (on loan to Will Mathis) for us to look at. We would look to do this as a project some time this year.
Please note that the March meeting will be rescheduled to accommodate the annual town meeting. The new date for March is TBD.
Motion to adjourn the meeting at 7:50 pm by Erin V. with 2nd by Ben Pease