November 4th, 2024
This meeting was held at the Goshen Town Hall
Meeting opened at 7:09 pm
Attendees: Madine Reed, Ken & Barb Brown, Erin Van Auken and Galina Chernaya Guest Attendee via phone: Diane O'Classen (Selectboard)
Attendees acknowledged receipt of prior month's minutes with no changes
Goshen Town Signs-
Diane called into the meeting to advise on the signs
Select board has decided not to have any of the signs on the buildings directly
Due to the size of the signs, we will need to submit a request to the zoning admin for permission to put the signs up. Town zoning requires signs be no larger than 2' x 2'.
Madine will reach out to Keith Arlund about our request.
Diane also suggested reaching out to the state about putting up historic markers similar to the one at Ruth Stone House
GVTHS attendees proposed putting the Town Hall sign in front of the tree near the monument and the School house sign behind the rock.
Erin created mock up images for Madine to use as part of the request.
Galina advised there was still a $45 charge pending for hardware. She will provide a receipt to Barbara for payment.
Madine reminded all of us about the Town Dinner/Potluck on December 14th
As a gesture of goodwill, GVTHS will sponsor one of the pork loins for the dinner (Diane O' Classen will prepare it.) Madine advised it would be approximately $30 from BJ's.
Still looking to do an event some time in January. Will look to possibly make it a member drive
Membership -
Barb is working on gathering renewal updates to share with Madine and Erin.
Erin will log renewals once details are received and also work to update minutes on the website.
Ben Pease is the new membership director.
Motion to adjourn the meeting at 7:38 pm by Erin V. with 2nd by Ken Brown