November 4th, 2024

This meeting was held at the Goshen Town Hall

Meeting opened at 7:09 pm

Attendees: Madine Reed, Ken & Barb Brown, Erin Van Auken and Galina Chernaya  Guest Attendee via phone: Diane O'Classen (Selectboard)

    • Attendees acknowledged receipt of prior month's minutes with no changes

    Goshen Town Signs-

    • Diane called into the meeting to advise on the signs

      • Select board has decided not to have any of the signs on the buildings directly

      • Due to the size of the signs, we will need to submit a request to the zoning admin for permission to put the signs up. Town zoning requires signs be no larger than 2' x 2'.

      • Madine will reach out to Keith Arlund about our request.

      • Diane also suggested reaching out to the state about putting up historic markers similar to the one at Ruth Stone House

      • GVTHS attendees proposed putting the Town Hall sign in front of the tree near the monument and the School house sign behind the rock.

      • Erin created mock up images for Madine to use as part of the request.

      • Galina advised there was still a $45 charge pending for hardware. She will provide a receipt to Barbara for payment.


    • Madine reminded all of us about the Town Dinner/Potluck on December 14th

      • As a gesture of goodwill, GVTHS will sponsor one of the pork loins for the dinner (Diane O' Classen will prepare it.) Madine advised it would be approximately $30 from BJ's.

    • Still looking to do an event some time in January. Will look to possibly make it a member drive

    Membership -

    • Barb is working on gathering renewal updates to share with Madine and Erin.

    • Erin will log renewals once details are received and also work to update minutes on the website.

    • Ben Pease is the new membership director.

    Motion to adjourn the meeting at 7:38 pm by Erin V. with 2nd by Ken Brown