September 2nd, 2024
This meeting was held at the Goshen Town Hall
Meeting opened at 4:05 pm
Attendees: Madine Reed, Ken & Barb Brown, Erin Van Auken and Ben Pease
Minutes from prior meeting were unavailable for review during this meeting. Madine will work to gather past minutes for distribution and review. Erin reminded the group that prior minutes, when available are loaded, along with available agendas to the GVTHS website.
Treasurer Report (Barb Brown)
End of June balance- $1,941.28
Payments in July:
Sign Deposit- $500.00
Reimbursement to Kathy Mathis for T-shirt printing- $689.50
End of July balance- $1,249.50
Additional deposits received in July for membership dues and t-shirt sales/donations.
Current Balance as of this meeting- $1,466.78
Membership Update-
Barb is working on gathering renewal updates to share with Madine and Erin.
Erin will log renewals once details are received.
Upcoming Event-WWI Remembrance Event
We are scheduled to have display’s up on Nov 11th at the legion hall
Madine asked if we would like to participate in the legions portion of the remembrance event and the group indicated that it would be nice to at least mention our Goshen veterans specifically as part of ceremony.
Kathy and Madine have poppies that we can make available for a donation
We have a few t-shirts left that we can have out for sale
Future Events-
We decided to postpone the Shirley Farr event as it will require some additional coordination with the estate, etc. Will revisit for Spring 2025
We also need to revisit the Piano Concert event for next year
We discussed having a small gathering/event in Jan or Feb after the holidays
Old Business-
The final proof for the signs was shared with the group (Thank you to Galina!)
Signs are in flight and should be ready soon for the Town Hall and Office
New Business-
Officer elections
3 positions are open for this year:
President (Term 2-years)
Vice President (Term 2-years)
Secretary (Term 1-year)
The Membership Director and Treasurer positions are 3-year positions so Erin Van Auken and Barbara Brown will retain their respective positions for 1 more year.
Ben Pease is working on finishing the application for the historical sign to be added at Blueberry Hill. He has spoken with Sherri who has approved and just needs to sign the form. Ben will provide the Selectboard with the proposed sign language for their review. The group reviewed and approved language for the sign during the meeting. (Erin V. motioned to accept the language with Barb B. 2nd)
Motion to adjourn the meeting at 5:09 pm by Erin V. with 2nd by Ken B.